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You're an emotional being.

So am I.

Together, let's explore the depths of being human.

The Feminine Revival is well underway —

is this the moment you’ve been waiting for?


Are you in touch with your inner authority?

Can you own a sense of wonder about your emotions?

Do you allow yourself to be multifaceted and imperfect?


Each one of us is a work in progress.

The Hungry Feminine is my progress.

I'm Vanessa Setteducato

Neurodivergent, multi-passionate, feeler, creative, coach, therapist, and guardian of solitude


a podcast about the

That's why I'm here.

Often perusing my own emotional landscape, creating spontaneously, and living in awe of nature, I find the non-literal and non-linear elements of life to be sacred.

archetypal feminine and masculine.


I consider myself a wayward wanderer of both light and shadow aspects of self. My work has led me to become something of a tour guide for others seeking the same; to more deeply connect with themselves and the world they're in.

Some of my passions have made me also: photographer, potter, writer, painter, and explorer of strange and beautiful places. 

I believe one of the most significant causes of human suffering in modern society is...

our collective devaluing of those very elements: empathy, imagination, nurturance, presence, receptivity, emotional intelligence -- the elements of the archetypal feminine.


As such, I've nurtured The Hungry Feminine to be a space where that feminine can be fed through creativity, emotional expression, storytelling, collaboration, and respect of nature.


Breathing life back into the feminine leads us to a brighter masculine and a deeper sense of wholeness.

I teach and mentor adults who are seeking balance between archetypal feminine and masculine within themselves.

Here's a snapshot of my educational background:

Pacifica Graduate Institute

Master of Arts - MA, Counseling Psychology with an Emphasis in Depth Psychology, 2017


Masters thesis: The Hungry Feminine and a Patriarchal Gag Order: Binge Eating in American Women


Advanced Training Certificate, Applied Mythology



Hofstra University

Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA, Business Management


Activities & Societies: 88.7FM Radio Hofstra University


Learn more about how to work with me

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